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Date: 21-10-2020
Date: 31-7-2019
Date: 4-10-2020
As you can see here, the π electrons of the triple bond are attacking the proton, which forms a covalent bond on the carbon with the most hydrogen substituents. Once the hydrogen is bound you have a carbocation, which gets attacked by the water molecule. Now you have a positive charge on the oxygen which results in a base coming in and deprotinating the molecule. Once deprotinated, you have an enol, which then gets tautomerized.
Tautomerism is shown here when the proton gets attacked by the double bond π electrons forming a covalent bond between the carbon and the hydrogen on the less substituted carbon. Electrons from the Oxygen end up moving to the carbon, forming a double bond with carbon and giving itself a positive charge, which then gets attacked by the base. The base deprotinates the Oxygen resulting in the more stable final product at equilibrium, which is a ketone.
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