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Date: 29-5-2017
Date: 12-10-2019
Date: 24-7-2019
The IUPAC system of nomenclature assigns a characteristic suffix of -one to ketones. A ketone carbonyl function may be located anywhere within a chain or ring, and its position is usually given by a location number. Chain numbering normally starts from the end nearest the carbonyl group. Very simple ketones, such as propanone and phenylethanone do not require a locator number, since there is only one possible site for a ketone carbonyl function
The common names for ketones are formed by naming both alkyl groups attached to the carbonyl then adding the suffix -ketone. The attached alkyl groups are arranged in the name alphabetically.
Example 1.1.
The IUPAC system names are given on top while the common name is given on the bottom in parentheses.
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