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Date: 7-7-2020
Date: 5-7-2020
Date: 4-7-2017
The most energetically stable arrangement of solids made up of identical molecular units (as in the noble gas elements and pure metals) are generally those in which there is a minimum of empty space; these are known as close-packed structures, and there are several kinds. In the case of ionic solids of even the simplest 1:1 stoichiometry, the positive and negative ions usually differ so much in size that packing is often much less efficient. This may cause the solid to assume lattice geometries that differ from the one illustrated above for sodium chloride.
By way of illustration, consider the structure of cesium chloride (the spelling cæsium is also used), CsCl. The radius of the Cs+ ion is 168 pm compared to 98 pm for Na+ and cannot possibly fit into the octahedral hole of a simple cubic lattice of chloride ions. The CsCl lattice therefore assumes a different arrangement.
Figure 1.1 : The CsCl structure, like that of NaCl, can be regarded as two interpenetrating lattices of the oppositely-charged ions. In CsCl, however, the metal ions, instead of being surrounded by six chloride ions, are shifted into the center of each cubic element of the Cl–-ion lattice.
Figure 1.1 focuses on two of these cubic lattice elements whose tops and bottoms are shaded for clarity. It should be easy to see that each cesium ion now has eight nearest-neighbor chloride ions. Each chloride ion is also surrounded by eight cesium ions, so all the lattice points are still geometrically equivalent. We therefore describe this structure as having (8,8) coordination.
The two kinds of lattice arrangements exemplified by NaCl ("rock salt") and CsCl are found in a large number of other 1:1 ionic solids, and these names are used generically to describe the structures of these other compounds. There are of course many other fundamental lattice arrangements (not all of them cubic), but the two we have described here are sufficient to illustrate the point that the radius ratio (the ratio of the radii of the positive to the negative ion) plays an important role in the structures of simple ionic solids.
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