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Date: 5-5-2019
Date: 12-2-2018
Date: 10-1-2017
Let’s examine another simple molecule, ethene (C2H4) (Figure 1.1 “Ethene”). Each carbon of ethene is bonded to two hydrogens and a carbon. There is also a double bond between the two carbons.
Figure 1.1. Ethene.
Both the unhybridized atomic orbitals of carbon and the sp3 hybridization we just examined do not explain the bonding observed in ethene. In this case, only the 2s and two of the 2p orbitals hybridize to give three new sp2 hybridized orbitals capable of forming the three σ bonds of each carbon in ethene (Figure 1.2 “Hybridization of carbon to generate sp2 orbitals”).
Figure 1.2. Hybridization of carbon to generate sp2 orbitals.
The three hybridized orbitals arrange in a trigonal planar structure with a bond angle of 120o following VSEPR (Figure 1.3 “A carbon atom’s trigonal planar sp2 hybridized orbitals”).
Figure 1.3. A carbon atom’s trigonal planar sp2 hybridized orbitals.
The unhybridized 2p orbital in both carbons are left available to form the double bond’s π bond.
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