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Date: 4-12-2021
Date: 26-12-2021
Date: 6-10-2021
Hemoglobin structure and function
Hemoglobin is found exclusively in red blood cells (RBC), where its main function is to transport O2 from the lungs to the capillaries of the tissues.
Hemoglobin A, the major hemoglobin in adults, is composed of four polypeptide chains (two α chains and two β chains) held together by noncovalent interactions (Fig. 1). Each chain (subunit) has stretches of α-helical structure and a hydrophobic heme-binding pocket similar to that described for myoglobin. However, the tetrameric hemoglobin molecule is structurally and functionally more complex than myoglobin. For example, hemoglobin can transport protons (H+) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from the tissues to the lungs and can carry four molecules of O2 from the lungs to the cells of the body. Furthermore, the oxygen-binding properties of hemoglobin are regulated by interaction with allosteric effectors .
Figure 1: A. Structure of hemoglobin showing the polypeptide backbones. B.Simplified drawing showing the α-helices.
Obtaining O2 from the atmosphere solely by diffusion greatly limits the size of organisms. Circulatory systems overcome this, but transport molecules such as hemoglobin are also required because O2 is only slightly soluble in aqueous solutions such as blood.
1. Quaternary structure: The hemoglobin tetramer can be envisioned as composed of two identical dimers, (αβ)1 and (αβ)2. The two polypeptide chains within each dimer are held tightly together primarily by hydrophobic interactions (Fig. 2). [Note: In this instance, hydrophobic amino acid residues are localized not only in the interior of the molecule but also in a region on the surface of each subunit. Multiple interchain hydrophobic interactions form strong associations between α-subunits and β-subunits in the dimers.] In contrast, the two dimers are held together primarily by polar bonds. The weaker interactions between the dimers allow them to move with respect to one other. This movement results in the two dimers occupying different relative positions in deoxyhemoglobin as compared with oxyhemoglobin (see Fig. 2).
Figure 2: Schematic diagram showing structural changes resulting from oxygenation and deoxygenation of hemoglobin.
a. T form: The deoxy form of hemoglobin is called the “T,” or taut (tense) form. In the T form, the two αβ dimers interact through a network of ionic bonds and hydrogen bonds that constrain the movement of the polypeptide chains. The T conformation is the low-oxygen-affinity form of hemoglobin.
b. R form: The binding of O2 to hemoglobin causes the rupture of some of the polar bonds between the two αβ dimers, allowing movement. Specifically, the binding of O2 to the heme Fe2+ pulls the iron into the plane of the heme (Fig. 3). Because the iron is also linked to the proximal histidine (F8), the resulting movement of the globin chains alters the interface between the αβ dimers. This leads to a structure called the “R,” or relaxed form (see Fig. 2). The R conformation is
the high-oxygen-affinity form of hemoglobin.
Figure 3: Movement of heme iron (Fe). A. Out of the plane of the heme when oxygen (O2) is not bound. B. Into the plane of the heme upon O2 binding.
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