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Date: 10-9-2021
Date: 26-8-2021
Date: 7-10-2021
Minor hemoglobins
It is important to remember that human hemoglobin A (HbA) is just one member of a functionally and structurally related family of proteins, the hemoglobins (Fig. 1). Each of these oxygen-carrying proteins is a tetramer, composed of two α-globin (or α-like) polypeptides and two β-globin (or β-like) polypeptides. Certain hemoglobins, such as HbF, are normally synthesized only during fetal development, whereas others, such as HbA2, are synthesized in the adult, although at low levels compared with HbA. HbA can also become modified by the covalent addition of a hexose .
Figure 1: Normal adult human hemoglobins. HbA1c is a subtype of HbA (or, HbA1). [Note: The α chains in these hemoglobins are identical.] Hb = hemoglobin.
1. Fetal hemoglobin: HbF is a tetramer consisting of two α chains identical to those found in HbA, plus two γ chains (α2γ2; see Fig. 1). The γ chains are members of the β-globin gene family .
a. HbF synthesis during development: In the first month after conception, embryonic hemoglobins such as Hb Gower 1, composed of two α-like zeta (ζ) chains and two β-like epsilon (ε) chains (ζ2ε2), are synthesized by the embryonic yolk sac. In the fifth week of gestation, the site of globin synthesis shifts, first to the liver and then to the marrow, and the primary product is HbF. HbF is the major hemoglobin found in the fetus and newborn, accounting for ~60% of the total hemoglobin in the RBC during the last months of fetal life (Fig. 2). HbA synthesis starts in the bone marrow at about the eighth month of pregnancy and gradually replaces HbF. Figure 2 shows the relative production of each type of hemoglobin chain during fetal and postnatal life. [Note: HbF represents <2% of the hemoglobin in most adults and is concentrated in RBC known as F cells.]
Figure 2: Developmental changes in globin production.
b. 2,3-BPG binding to HbF: Under physiologic conditions, HbF has a higher oxygen affinity than does HbA as a result of HbF only weakly binding 2,3-BPG. [Note: The γ-globin chains of HbF lack some of the positively charged amino acids that are responsible for binding 2,3- BPG in the β-globin chains.] Because 2,3-BPG serves to reduce the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin, the weaker interaction between 2,3-BPG and HbF results in a higher oxygen affinity for HbF relative to HbA. In contrast, if both HbA and HbF are stripped of their 2,3-BPG, they then have a similar oxygen affinity. The higher oxygen affinity of HbF facilitates the transfer of O2 from the maternal circulation across the placenta to the RBC of the fetus.
2. Hemoglobin A2: HbA2 is a minor component of normal adult hemoglobin, first appearing shortly before birth and, ultimately, constituting ~2% of the total hemoglobin. It is composed of two α-globin chains and two δ-globin chains (α2δ2; see Fig. 1).
3. Hemoglobin A1c: Under physiologic conditions, HbA is slowly glycated (nonenzymically condensed with a hexose), the extent of glycation being dependent on the plasma concentration of the hexose. The most abundant form of glycated hemoglobin is HbA1c. It has glucose residues attached predominantly to the amino groups of the N-terminal valines of the β-globin chains (Fig. 3). Increased amounts of HbA1c are found in RBC of patients with diabetes mellitus, because their HbA has contact with higher glucose concentrations during the 120-day lifetime of these cells.
Figure 3:Nonenzymatic addition of glucose to hemoglobin. The nonenzymatic addition of a sugar to a protein is referred to as glycation.
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