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Date: 17-9-2021
Date: 7-9-2021
Date: 18-11-2021
Dietary Protein : Nitrogen balance
Nitrogen balance occurs when the amount of nitrogen consumed equals that of the nitrogen excreted in the urine (primarily as urinary urea nitrogen, or UUN), sweat, and feces. Most healthy adults are normally in nitrogen balance. [Note: There is, on average, 1 g nitrogen in 6.25 g protein.]
1. Positive nitrogen balance: This occurs when nitrogen intake exceeds nitrogen excretion. It is observed during situations in which tissue growth occurs, for example, in childhood, pregnancy, or during recovery from an emaciating illness.
2. Negative nitrogen balance: This occurs when nitrogen loss is greater than nitrogen intake. It is associated with inadequate dietary protein; lack of an essential amino acid; or during physiologic stresses, such as trauma, burns, illness, or surgery.
Nitrogen (N) balance (g Nin – g Nout) in a 24-hour period can be determined by the formula, N balance = protein intake in g/6.25 – (UUN + 4 g), where 4 g accounts for urinary loss in forms other than UUN plus loss in skin and feces.
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