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Date: 30-10-2021
Date: 7-12-2021
Date: 28-11-2021
The Genetic Code: Characteristics
Usage of the genetic code is remarkably consistent throughout all living organisms. It is assumed that once the standard genetic code evolved in primitive organisms, any mutation (a permanent change in DNA sequence) that altered its meaning would have caused the alteration of most, if not all, protein sequences, resulting in lethality. Characteristics of the genetic code include the following.
1. Specificity: The genetic code is specific (unambiguous), because a particular codon always codes for the same amino acid.
2. Universality: The genetic code is virtually universal insofar as its specificity has been conserved from very early stages of evolution, with only slight differences in the manner in which the code is translated. [Note: An exception occurs in mitochondria, in which a few codons have meanings different than those shown in Figure 1. For example, UGA codes for tryptophan (Trp).]
3. Degeneracy: The genetic code is degenerate (sometimes called redundant). Although each codon corresponds to a single amino acid, a given amino acid may have more than one triplet coding for it. For example, arginine (Arg) is specified by six different codons (see Fig. 1). Only Met and Trp have just one coding triplet.
4. Nonoverlapping and commaless: The genetic code is nonoverlapping and commaless, meaning that the code is read from a fixed starting point as a continuous sequence of bases, taken three at a time without any punctuation between codons. For example, AGCUGGAUACAU is read as AGC UGG AUA CAU.
Figure 1: Use of the genetic code table to translate the codon AUG. A = adenine; G = guanine; C = cytosine; U = uracil. The three-letter abbreviations for many common amino acids are shown as examples.
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