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At the turn of the nineteenth century Sir William Herschel discovered invisible radiation beyond the red end of the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This radiation appropriately is called infrared, meaning “beneath the red,” and it encompasses the wavelength region from 103nm103nm to 106nm106nm. You probably are familiar with the common applications of infrared to radiant heating and photography. In addition to these uses, infrared spectroscopy has become the most widely used spectroscopic technique for investigating organic structures.
Infrared spectroscopy was the province of physicists and physical chemists until about 1940. At that time, the potential of infrared spectroscopy as an analytical tool began to be recognized by organic chemists. The change was due largely to the production of small, quite rugged infrared spectrophotometers and instruments of this kind now are virtually indispensable for chemical analysis. A brief description of the principles and practice of this spectroscopic method is the topic of this section.
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