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Date: 2024-01-03
Date: 2023-09-09
Date: 2023-08-21
Velarically initiated sounds have two closures in the vocal tract. One of these is the back of the tongue against the velum (hence the name ‘velaric’) and the other closure is further forward: usually the front of the tongue, but it is also possible to make a bilabial closure. In between these two closures there is a cavity filled with air; and this cavity can expanded, so that when the forward closure is released air flows into the vocal tract. It is also possible to compress the air in the cavity and force it out, but such sounds are not known to occur in any of the world’s languages. The IPA treats all velarically initiated sounds as ingressive.
To make a velarically initiated sound, start off by making a [k] sound silently. Do not release the velar closure; leave the back of the tongue in contact with the velum. Now make another closure: while keeping the [k] closure, make a dental closure as well, , with the tongue against the back of the upper teeth. Make sure that the sides of the tongue are pressed firmly against the upper teeth. (We could transcribe this gesture as