المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية
المرجع الألكتروني للمعلوماتية
آخر المواضيع المضافة
علاقات مصر ببلاد النوبة في عهد ثقافة المجموعة B ثقافة المجموعة B في بلاد النوبة علاقة مصر ببلاد النوبة في العصر الطيني(1). المجموعة الثقافية A (رقم 2) وتقابل في التاريخ المصري العصر الأسري المبكر بلاد النوبة (المجموعة A الثقافية رقم 1) خلايا الليثيوم أيون مجموعة البطارية Lithium lon Cells and Battery packs بدء الخلاف في حضارة القطرين موازنة الخلية في بطارية الليثيوم ايون الخطوط العامة في إطالة عمر بطارية الليثيوم أيون Guidelines for prolonging Li-ion battery life تحسينات في تكنولوجيا بطاريات الليثيوم أيون Improvements to Lithium lon Battery Technology المواصفات والتصميم لبطاريات ايون الليثيوم إطالة عمر الخلايا المتعددة في بطارية الليثيوم ايون من خلال موازنة الخلية Prolonging Life in Multiple Cells Through Cell balancing السلامة في بطارية الليثيوم ايون محاذير وتنبيهات الخاصة ببطارية الليثيوم-ايون ما ورد في شأن الرسول الأعظم والنبيّ الأكرم سيّدنا ونبيّنا محمّد (صلى الله عليه وآله) / القسم السادس والعشرون

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عدد المواضيع في هذا القسم 6238 موضوعاً
Reading Comprehension

Untitled Document
أبحث عن شيء أخر المرجع الالكتروني للمعلوماتية

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3105   12:50 صباحاً   date: 1/11/2022
Author : L.A Hill
Book or Source : Intermediate Steps To Understanding
Page and Part : 14-1

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Date: 24/9/2022 365
Date: 2024-01-28 649
Date: 1/11/2022 3106

Peter Judd joined the army when he was eighteen, and for several months he was taught how to be a good soldier. He did quite well in everything except shooting. One day he and his friends were practicing their shooting, and all of them were doing quite well except Peter. After he had shot at the target nine times and had not hit it once, the officer who was trying to teach the young soldiers to shoot said, "You're quite hopeless, Peter! Don't waste your last bullet too! Go behind that wall and shoot yourself with it!

Peter felt ashamed. He went behind the wall, and a few seconds later the officer and the other young soldiers heard the sound of a shot.

"Heavens! The officer said, 'Has that silly man really shot himself?

He ran behind the wall anxiously, but Peter was all right. I'm sorry, sir,' he said, 'but I missed again.'


A      Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write Tor F.

  1. Peter was good at everything.
  2. Peter was not good at shooting.
  3. A lot of the other soldiers were bad at shooting too.
  4. One of Peter's nine bullets hit the target.
  5. The officer was not pleased with him.
  6. The officer thought that Peter had shot himself.


B        Write these sentences. Choose the correct word in each:

1. Peter is looking at an enemy and trying to shoot (him / himself).

2. Now Peter is trying to shoot. (him / himself).

5. The white donkey is in a field with a black donkey, and it has hurt (it / itself).

6. The white donkey is in a field with a black one, and it has hurt (it / itself).