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Date: 2023-03-16
Date: 2024-08-24
Date: 2023-03-25
This type again requires one role additional to those of the complement clause verb—a Timer, who adjusts the time at which it is planned to do something. Members of the type are postpone, defer, put NP off, delay and—standing a little apart semantically—avoid.
All five verbs take ING complement clauses. The subject may be different from the subject of the main clause but if it is the same it is normally omitted, e.g. She postponed (John’s) going on fieldwork until the wet season was over, We delayed starting dinner until you arrived, I avoided helping with the painting (by going out all afternoon).
Avoid often omits the complement clause verb if it has a meaning similar to ‘seeing’ or ‘attending/taking part in’, e.g. I walked home the long way round to avoid (seeing) the graveyard, He always manages to avoid (attending) formal dinners. The object of any of these verbs may be an ACTIVITY or SPEECH ACT noun, which is often put into subject slot by passivisation, e.g. The meeting was postponed, The question was avoided.
Postpone, defer and put off have very similar meanings; they generally refer to a conscious decision, made in advance, e.g. They postponed the wedding until August. In contrast, delay often describes an ad hoc change of time, perhaps to accommodate some unforeseen circumstances, e.g. They delayed the start of the meeting since the bus bringing delegates from the north had not arrived. Avoid refers to evasive action taken so as not to be involved in some unwanted activity, often, not being in a certain place at a certain time, e.g. I avoid visiting Mother on days Grandpa is likely to call.
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