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Date: 2023-05-26
Date: 2023-08-30
Date: 2023-05-27
ascriptive (adj.)
A term used in GRAMMATICAL analysis to refer to a SENTENCE of the type The cat is angry, where there is an attributive identity between the pre- and post-verbal ELEMENTS, but no permutability (unlike the otherwise similar EQUATIVE sentence – cf. *Angry is the cat, but Freda is the leader/The leader is Freda). Sentences of the type Freda is a doctor are also sometimes called ascriptive, but are more problematic to analyze.
بـ3 خطوات بسيطة.. كيف تحقق الجسم المثالي؟
دماغك يكشف أسرارك..علماء يتنبأون بمفاجآتك قبل أن تشعر بها!
العتبة العباسية المقدسة تواصل إقامة مجالس العزاء بذكرى شهادة الإمام الكاظم (عليه السلام)