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Date: 2024-01-01
Date: 2023-05-22
Date: 19-5-2022
lento (adj.)
A term derived from music and sometimes used in PHONETICS and PHONOLOGY to describe speech produced slowly or with careful articulation; it contrasts with allegro, where the speech is faster than usual. Several other music-derived terms have been appropriated for the study of speech PROSODY, such as crescendo, diminuendo, rallentando and glissando, though none has achieved widespread currency.
بـ3 خطوات بسيطة.. كيف تحقق الجسم المثالي؟
دماغك يكشف أسرارك..علماء يتنبأون بمفاجآتك قبل أن تشعر بها!
العتبة العباسية المقدسة تواصل إقامة مجالس العزاء بذكرى شهادة الإمام الكاظم (عليه السلام)