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Date: 15-1-2022
Date: 2024-02-13
Date: 15-1-2022
longitudinal (adj.)
An application of the general use of this term in the field of child language ACQUISITION, referring to one of the two main procedures used in order to study the process of LANGUAGE development. A longitudinal study follows the course of language acquisition in a single child or group over a period of time. This method contrasts with a CROSS-SECTIONAL study, where the language of a group of children of the same or different ages is compared at a given point in time. The terms are also encountered in several other domains of linguistic enquiry, such as SOCIOLINGUISTICS.
هل تعرف كيف يؤثر الطقس على ضغط إطارات سيارتك؟ إليك الإجابة
معهد القرآن الكريم النسوي يقدم خدماته لزائري الإمام الكاظم (عليه السلام)