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Date: 2024-07-03
Date: 2024-03-12
Date: 2024-05-14
metrical phonology (MP)
A theory of PHONOLOGY in which phonological STRINGS are REPRESENTED in a HIERARCHICAL manner, using such notions as SEGMENT, SYLLABLE, FOOT and WORD. Originally introduced as a hierarchical theory of STRESS, the approach developed to cover the whole domain of syllable structure and phonological boundaries. Stress patterns are considered to reflect, at least in part, relations of PROMINENCE between SYNTACTIC and MORPHOLOGICAL CONSTITUENTS. The UNDERLYING metrical STRUCTURE of words and PHRASES may be represented in the form of a metrical TREE, whose NODES reflect the relative metrical strength between SISTER constituents, as in the following examples (w = weak, s = strong):
Patterns of syllabic prominence can also be formally represented through the use of METRICAL GRIDS. Later developments of the theory represent phonological relations in terms of PARAMETERS.
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