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Date: 14-1-2022
Date: 2023-08-15
Date: 17-2-2022
monogenesis (n.)
In HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS, the hypothesis that all human LANGUAGES originate from a single source; contrasts with polygenesis, where language is thought to have emerged more or less spontaneously in several places. The terms are also used in discussing the similarities among PIDGINS and CREOLES: monogenetic theories assume the diffusion of a single pidgin to other areas via migration; polygenetic theories assume that the development of a pidgin in one community is independent of the development of a pidgin in another.
علاج جفاف وتشقق القدمين.. مستحضرات لها نتائج فعالة
الإمارات.. تقنية رائدة لتحويل الميثان إلى غرافين وهيدروجين
سماحة السيد الصافي يؤكد دعم العتبة العباسية المقدسة للباحثين والحراك العلمي الذي يسهم في خدمة المجتمع