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Date: 2024-05-20
Date: 2024-03-20
Date: 2023-10-24
suction (adj.)
One of the features of sound set up by Chomsky and Halle in their DISTINCTIVE FEATURE theory of PHONOLOGY, under the heading of SUPPLEMENTARY MOVEMENTS, to handle variations in MANNER OF ARTICULATION. It refers to articulatory movements of the GLOTTIS or velum where the airflow is directed inwards, as IMPLOSIVES and CLICKS.
دراسة تحدد أفضل 4 وجبات صحية.. وأخطرها
العتبة العباسية تستعدّ لتكريم عددٍ من الطالبات المرتديات للعباءة الزينبية في جامعات كركوك