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Date: 2024-05-08
Date: 2024-03-14
Date: 2024-05-27
According to the BCDP data, this vowel is typically ; Wells (1982: 357) notes that CLOTH is short throughout the North.
Although there is written evidence for long vowels ( ) in Bm <’orspital/orsepickle> hospital, <orf> off, there is also written and audio evidence for a more widespread process: unrounding.
A salient example involves the locally distinctive pronunciations of soft ‘stupid’. Mathisen (1999: 108) notes that many adults in Sandwell have [saft], while older speakers may have [sæft ~ sεft]. Such pronunciations, indicated by the typical Bm/BC dialect spelling <saft>, are claimed by Chinn and Thorne (2001: 141) to be especially typical of Black Country; these forms may perhaps be compared to Early OE . For failure to round following /w/ (as in wasp).
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