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Date: 2024-04-16
Date: 21-3-2022
Date: 2024-05-13
Another stereotype of Southwestern English is Bristol /l/. This term refers to the presence of epenthetic /l/ following word-final /ə/ in words of the lexical set commA (e.g. America) and in words that in RP end in , such as window. Thus America is pronounced and Eva becomes homophonous with evil (Hughes and Trudgill 1996: 78). Bristol /l/ is a stereotype which has become the butt of many jokes. It is, however, confined to the Bristol area, and is not as common as its folk-linguistic status might suggest.
بـ3 خطوات بسيطة.. كيف تحقق الجسم المثالي؟
دماغك يكشف أسرارك..علماء يتنبأون بمفاجآتك قبل أن تشعر بها!
العتبة العباسية المقدسة تواصل إقامة مجالس العزاء بذكرى شهادة الإمام الكاظم (عليه السلام)