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Date: 2024-03-09
Date: 2024-04-09
Date: 2024-03-02
A commonplace often bandied about is that ChcE is merely “Spanish-accented English”. Both lay people and linguists have this reaction, and the statement expresses some truth, as we will illustrate. However, in the context of some institutional settings, an insidious misunderstanding follows. The misconception is that ChcE is not a dialect, but simply the mispronounced English of Spanish speakers who are learning English as a second language. From this mistaken point of view it follows that if adults speak so-called Spanish-accented English, they are fossilized second language learners, while children demonstrate incomplete learning of English. This misconception has serious social consequences in U.S. schools, where an inordinate number of Chicano students do not advance scholastically. Since these schools are charged with teaching children standard English, educators often falsely conclude that Chicano student failure is a result of their inability to master the standard language.
Many teachers witness evidence each day in the classroom that sustains this falsehood. English-monolingual public school teachers come into contact with Mexican immigrant students, including new immigrant students who are learning English. Several articulatory mismatches strike native English-speaking teachers as discordant. But these classrooms are not linguistically homogeneous. At least three dimensions mark this diversity. Newly arrived immigrants and those who have been in public schools for several years mingle with U.S.-born Chicano students. Second, some of the U.S.-born students are monolingual while others are bilingual. Third, some Chicano students speak the English dialects of their Euro-American teachers, while others speak a native English dialect that both Chicano and Spanish-speaking immigrant children acquire in their home communities. This final variety is ChcE, which appears to maintain certain phonological features that are characteristic of Spanish native-speaker, English-as-a-second-language learner interlanguage, or in the current terminology of U.S. public schools, English language learner (ELL) speech. Speakers of ChcE express social solidarity in their native community dialect by way of these features.
Teachers and other observers, however, tend to conflate the heterogeneity. Upon hearing ChcE, some teachers presume it is learner speech. Accordingly, they are likely to believe that U.S.-born Chicanos also speak an incompletely-native, Spanish-accented English. These children’s educational plight, they believe, can only be alleviated when they stop speaking Spanish, which is thought to interfere with their English, and learn English “well”. This notion expands to the absurd to include children who speak no Spanish. How a language that children cannot speak can interfere with a language that they do speak is left unexplained. We attempt to dispel some of the common misconceptions surrounding ChcE by providing a description of ChcE phonology and its relationship to Spanish on the one hand and Euro-American varieties on the other.
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