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Date: 2024-12-17
Date: 2024-12-26
Date: 2023-05-22
The MOUTH vowel is generally rendered as /au/, and less often /aɔ/. /o/ occurs in some MOUTH words like shower, towel, vowel [ʃoa, toεl, voεl], having merged with the GOAT set. Devour merges with the FORCE set and is pronounced [di'vɔ] by a large number of educated speakers. When the MOUTH vowel is followed by another vowel, /u/ is converted to [w] by the Glide Formation rule, yielding pronunciations like [alawans] allowance, [kawat] coward, [pawa] power.
لصحة القلب والأمعاء.. 8 أطعمة لا غنى عنها
حل سحري لخلايا البيروفسكايت الشمسية.. يرفع كفاءتها إلى 26%
العتبة العباسية تطلق مسابقتها الثقافية الخاصة بذكرى ولادة الإمام علي (عليه السلام)