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Date: 2024-04-19
Date: 2024-05-13
Date: 15-3-2022
Wood (1987: 129–130) notes that the hushing fricatives and affricates have, as well as /ʃ Ʒ ʧ ʤ/ , two major distinctive realizations, involving hushing segments realized as (a) hissing fricatives (thus, /ʃ Ʒ ʧ ʤ/ realized as [s z ts dz]), or as (b) backed hushing fricatives (thus, /ʃ Ʒ ʧ ʤ/ realized as [ʃ Ʒ ʧ ʤ]). The former set of realizations is typical of L2 (= mainly working-class, Extreme CFE) speakers, the latter of L1 (= mainly middle-class speakers); in my data (mainly from middle-class, L1 speakers), there was considerable use of backed variants. Wood suggests these are hypercorrect forms. Lanham (1982: 343) also notes the tendency (probably among L2 speakers) for /ʤ/ to be realized as [j] (e.g. judge [jɐʧ]), as may occur also in White Afrikaans English. Wood also notes an L2-speaker tendency to substitute /s/ for /ʃ/ and vice-versa when in close proximity to following /ʃ/ or /Ʒ/ , e.g. social ['ʃɒusəl].
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