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Date: 2024-05-07
Date: 2024-04-23
Date: 2024-05-22
For the PRICE vowel, the long upgliding diphthong [aɪ] associated with StE is found everywhere (with the exception of SurC), and in almost all varieties it is the main variant. The only dialect in which monophthongization, yielding [a:], predominates in all phonetic environments is CajE. Elsewhere this is a phonetically conditioned option: In SAmE, monophthongization is universal before voiced consonants and possible in other environments; the former, favorable context promotes it also generally in BahE and sometimes in NfldE. Two more variants are restricted options in some regions: a type with a raised or central onset, [əɪ/зɪ], in WMwE, InlNE, PhilE, SAmE, NEngE, CanE (before voiceless consonants, a pattern known as “Canadian Raising”), NfldE, AAVE, and T&TCs; and the backed [ɔɪ/ɒɪ] (which work by Wolfram and associates has made widely known as the hoi toiders’ pronunciation of North Carolina), an option of SAmE, NYCE (spreading) and NfldE. Baj has a slightly backed and raised [Λɪ] diphthong in these words, which is distinctive within the Caribbean. SurCs have the short DRESS vowels in these words, and occasionally, word-finally, the [eɪ] diphthong.
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