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Date: 12-1-2017
Date: 8-1-2017
Date: 26-7-2016
Intraepithelial Glands—Goblet Cells
Goblet cells are unicellular intraepithelial gland cells. They release their secretory products by merocrine extrusion (exocytosis ) to the free tissue surface. This figure shows several goblet cells interspersed with ciliate d epithelium. The apical part of the goblet cells show slightly stained blue secretor y plugs, some extending beyond the free apical tissue surface. Around the goblet cells, the ciliate d border is interrupted. The ovoid, sometimes wedge-shaped goblet cell nuclei 1 are locate d in the goblet stem. Goblet cells of ten form distended drum-like bodies or they expand like a chalice. Their bellies narrow at the apical membrane. Toward the basal membrane, their circumferences are also progressively reduced (“goblet stem”). With their secretory products re-leased, goblet cells turn into small, spike-shaped cells (“spike cells”). Under the layer of epithelium are bundles of collagen fibers 2 and vessels 3 . Pharyngeal roof (frog).
Stain: azan; magnification: × 400
Kuehnel, W.(2003). Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology, and Microscopic Anatomy. 4th edition . Institute of Anatomy Universitätzu Luebeck Luebeck, Germany . Thieme Stuttgar t · New York .
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