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Date: 27-4-2019
Date: 28-2-2017
Date: 11-3-2017
Term symbols
If we know (2S + 1), L and J for an energy state, we can write the full term symbol. This is done by writing the symbol of the value of L (i.e. S, P, D . . .) with the value of (2S + 1) as a left-superscript and the value of J as a rightsubscript. Thus, the electronic ground state of carbon is 3P0 (‘triplet P zero’) denoting L = 1,(2S+1) = 3 (i.e. S = 1) and J = 0. Different values of J denote different Term symbols. If we know (2S + 1), L and J for an energy state, we can write the full term symbol. This is done by writing the symbol of the value of L (i.e. S, P, D . . .) with the value of (2S + 1) as a left-superscript and the value of J as a rightsubscript. Thus, the electronic ground state of carbon is 3P0 (‘triplet P zero’) denoting L = 1, (2S + 1) = 3 (i.e. S = 1) and J = 0. Different values of J denote different levels within the term, i.e. (2S+1)LJ1 ,(2S+1)LJ2 . . . , the levels having different energies. Inorganic chemists often omit the value of J and refer to a (2S+1)L term; we shall usually follow this practice in this book. Now we look in detail at the electronic ground states of atoms with Z = 1 to 10.
Hydrogen (Z = 1)
A hydrogen atom has an electronic configuration of 1s1; for the electron, l = 0 so L must be 0 and, therefore, we have an S term. The total spin quantum number S = 1/2 so) 2S + 1) = 2 (a doublet term). The only possible value of J is 1/2, and so the term symbol for the hydrogen atom is 2S1/2.
Helium (Z = 2)
For helium (1s2), both electrons have l = 0, so L ¼ 0. Two electrons both with n = 1 and l = 0 must have ms = 1/2 and_1/2, so S = 0 and(2S + 1) = 1 (a singlet term). The only value of J is 0, and so the term symbol is 1S0. Thus, the ns2 configuration, having L = 0, S = 0 and J = 0, will contribute nothing to the term symbol in lithium and lateratoms. The same conclusion can be drawn for any np6 configuration and the reader is left to confirm this statement.
Lithium (Z = 3) and beryllium (Z = 4)
Atomic lithium has the electronic configuration 1s2 2s1, and its term symbol is the same as that for hydrogen, 2S1/2.
Similarly, the term symbol for beryllium (1s22s2) is the same as that for helium, 1S0.
Boron (Z = 5)
For boron (1s22s22p1) we need only consider the p electron for reasons outlined above. For this, l = 1 so L = 1 (a P term); S = 1/2 and so (2S +1( = 2 (a doublet term). J can take values) L S); (L + S _ 1) . . . |L _ S|, and so J = 3/2 or 1/2. The term symbol for boron may be 2P3/2 or 2P1/2.
Carbon (Z = 6)
For carbon (1s22s22p2), only the p electrons need be considered, and each has l = 1. Values of ml may be +1, 0 or _1, and the algebraic sum of ml for the individual electrons gives values of L = 2, 1 or 0 (D, P or S terms respectively). The two electrons may be spin-paired or have parallel spins and so S = 0 or 1, giving (2S + 1) = 1 (singlet term) or 3 (triplet term). It might seem that J could be 3, 2, 1 or 0, but this is not so. If, for example, the two electrons each have n = 2, l = 1 and ml = 1 (giving L = 2), they cannot both have ms = 1/2 as this would violate Pauli’s principle. The only allowed combinations of ml and ms (and corresponding values of ML and MS) for two p electrons with the same value of n are shown in the table; such combinations are called microstates. Table: Microstates for two electrons in an np level: values of ml and ms (represented as paired or unpaired electrons) and resultant values of ML , MS and MJ .