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Date: 8-1-2017
Date: 9-1-2017
Date: 23-1-2017
Dense Irregular Connective Tissue-Eyelid
Taut, fiber-rich connective tissue, which must withstand mechanical stress, is characterize d by the arrangement of intercellular supportive structures. This figure shows a planar cut through the lid plate (tarsus, collagen fiber plate ) of the upper lid. There are densely intertwined bundles of f ibers that run in ever y direction ( woven connective tissue ). This fiber arrangement ascertains a reliable tensile strength in all directions. Sporadically, vessels are cut. Cells are sparse, and fibers dominate the structure. This braid-like connective tissue (taut, dense connective tissue) is also found in the capsules of many organs, the corium ( stratum reticulare of the corium), the dura mater and the sclera . Human upper eyelid.
Stain: azan; magnification: × 70
Kuehnel, W.(2003). Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology, and Microscopic Anatomy. 4th edition . Institute of Anatomy Universitätzu Luebeck Luebeck, Germany . Thieme Stuttgart · New York .
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