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Date: 25-7-2016
Date: 11-1-2017
Date: 3-8-2016
Reticular Fibers-Thyroid Gland
Interstitial connective tissue from the thyroid gland. The round glandular follicles appear to bulge forward. A densely woven network of reticular fibers surrounds them. In the connective tissue between the follicles, there are also collagen fibers, some of them thick ropes of intertwined fibers. Connective tissue cells are not visible in this preparation.
Scanning electron microscopy; magnification: × 2500
Kuehnel, W.(2003). Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology, and Microscopic Anatomy. 4th edition . Institute of Anatomy Universitätzu Luebeck Luebeck, Germany . Thieme Stuttgart · New York .
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