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Date: 28-3-2017
Date: 29-3-2017
Date: 7-11-2020
Units of Measurement for Radioactivity
Two common units to measure the activity of a substance are the curie (Ci) and becquerel (Bq). A curie is a unit of measure of the rate of radioactive decay equal to 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations per second. This is approximately equivalent to the number of disintegrations that one gram of radium-226 will undergo in one second. A becquerel is a more fundamental unit of measure of radioactive decay that is equal to 1 disintegration per second. Currently, the curie is more widely used in the United States, but usage of the becquerel can be expected to broaden as the metric system slowly comes into wider use. The conversion between curies and becquerels is shown below.
1 curie = 3.7 x 1010 becquerels
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