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Date: 22-10-2020
Date: 8-5-2017
Date: 23-10-2020
Equilibrium Electron and Hole Concentrations
Figure 1.1 shows the energy-band diagram of a semiconductor when both donor and acceptor impurity atoms are added to the same region to form a compensated
Figure 1.1 Energy-band diagram of a compensated semiconductor showing ionized and un-ionized donors and acceptors.
semiconductor. The figure shows how the electrons and holes can be distributed among the various states.
The charge neutrality condition is expressed by equating the density of negative charges to the density of positive charges. We then have
where n0 and p0 are the thermal-equilibrium concentrations of electrons and holes in the conduction band and valence band, respectively. The parameter nd is the concentration of electrons in the donor energy states, so N+d = Nd – nd is the concentration of positively charged donor states. Similarly, pa is the concentration of holes in the and temperature. acceptor states, so N-a = Na – pa is the concentration of negatively charged acceptor states. We have expressions for n0, p0, nd, and pa in terms of the Fermi energy and temperature.
If we assume complete ionization, n,, and p, are both zero, and Equation (2) becomes
If we express p0 as n2i /n0, then Equation (3) can be written as
which in turn can be written as
The electron concentration na can be determined using the quadratic formula, or
The positive sign in the quadratic formula must he used, since, in the limit of an intrinsic semiconductor when Na = Nd = 0. the electron concentration must be a positive quantity, or n0 = ni.
Equation (5) is used to calculate the electron concentration in an n-type semiconductor, or when Nd > Na. Although Equation (5) was derived for a compensated semiconductor, the equation is also valid for Na = 0.
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