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Date: 13-8-2017
Date: 16-8-2017
Date: 22-8-2017
Deep Catalytic Cracking
Deep catalytic cracking (DCC) is a catalytic cracking process which selectively cracks a wide variety of feedstocks into light olefins. The reactor and the regenerator systems are similar to FCC. However, innovation in the catalyst development, severity, and process variable selection enables DCC to produce more olefins than FCC. In this mode of operation, propylene plus ethylene yields could reach over 25%. In addition, a high yield of amylenes (C5 olefins) is possible. Figure 1.1 shows the DCC process and Table 1.1 compares olefins produced from DCC and FCC processes.
Figure 1.1. Deep catalytic cracking process
Table 1.1: Comparison of products from DCC with those from FCC
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