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Date: 28-12-2018
Date: 26-11-2018
Date: 10-3-2019
Oxygen is found in the group 16 elements and is considered as a chalcogen. Named from the Greek oxys + genes, "acid-former", oxygen was discovered in 1772 by Scheele and independently by Priestly in 1774. Oxygen was given its name by the French scientist, Antoine Lavoisier.
Scheele descovered oxygen, through an experiment, which involved burning manganese oxide. Scheele came to find that the hot manganese oxide produced a gas which he called "fire air". He also came to find that when this gas was able to come into contact with charcoal, it produced beautiful bright sparks. All of the other elements produced the same gas. Although Scheele discovered oxygen, he did not publish his work until three years after another chemist, Joseph Priestly, discovered oxygen. Joseph Priestly, an English chemist, repeated Scheele's experiment in 1774 using a slightly different set up. Priestly used a 12in burning glass and aimed the sunlight directly towards the compound that he was testing, mercuric oxide. As a result, he was able to "discover better air" that was shown to expand a mouse's lifetime to four times as long and caused a flame to burn with higher intensity. Despite these experiments, both chemists were not able to pinpoint exactly what this element was. It was not until 1775 that Antoine Lavoisier, a French chemist, was able to recognize this unknown gas as an element.
Our atmosphere currently contains about 21% of free oxygen. Oxygen is produced in various ways. The process of photochemical dissociation in which water molecules are broken up by ultraviolet rays produces about 1-2% of our oxygen. Another process that produces oxygen is photosynthesis which is performed by plants and photosynthetic bacteria. Photosynthesis occurs through the following general reaction:
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