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Date: 10-12-2018
Date: 19-1-2018
Date: 31-1-2018
The presence of Manganese in industries such as the steel industry is crucial to the success of this industry in specific. If we look back to the history of manganese presented in the beginning of this module, we can see that the use of Manganese in steel is not something recent but something from the late 1700's. Nevertheless it is still a method used today for its effects on the quality and properties of steel. Manganese is used to form an alloy in the steel which in turn results in better properties such as toughness, stiffness, wear resistance, hardness and most important strength. Manganese also helps improve the rolling and forging qualities of steel. Manganese is also responsible for coloring glass a shade of purple and can also be used in industries where glass impurities evolve due to iron impurities as Manganese can return the glass back to its normal color.
In technology, although not modern technology and as was done in 1868, Manganese is used in the invention of dry cells. It is the dioxide formed by Manganese that is used to depolarize
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