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Date: 26-10-2018
Date: 4-3-2017
Date: 10-3-2019
When heated, hydrogen reacts with the metals of group 1 and with Ca, Sr, and Ba (the more active metals in group 2). The compounds formed are crystalline, ionic hydrides that contain the hydride anion, H−, a strong reducing agent and a strong base, which reacts vigorously with water and other acids to form hydrogen gas.
The reactions of hydrogen with nonmetals generally produce acidic hydrogen compounds with hydrogen in the 1+ oxidation state. The reactions become more exothermic and vigorous as the electronegativity of the nonmetal increases. Hydrogen reacts with nitrogen and sulfur only when heated, but it reacts explosively with fluorine (forming HF) and, under some conditions, with chlorine (forming HCl). A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen explodes if ignited. Because of the explosive nature of the reaction, it is necessary to exercise caution when handling hydrogen (or any other combustible gas) to avoid the formation of an explosive mixture in a confined space. Although most hydrides of the nonmetals are acidic, ammonia and phosphine (PH3) are very, very weak acids and generally function as bases. There is a summary of these reactions of hydrogen with the elements in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1: Chemical Reactions of Hydrogen with Other Elements
خطر خفي في أكياس الشاي يمكن أن يضر صحتك على المدى البعيد
دراسة تكشف عن حياة "غريبة" في أعماق الأرض
العتبة العلويّة المقدّسة تقيم فعالية العرض المسرحي "سيد الكلام" احتفاءً بذكرى ولادة أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام)