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Date: 23-9-2020
Date: 30-11-2020
Date: 24-11-2019
A number having 666 digits (where 666 is the beast number) is called an apocalypse number.
The Fibonacci number is the smallest Fibonacci apocalypse number (Livio 2002, p. 108).
Apocalypse primes are given by for , 1837, 6409, 7329, 8569, 8967, 9663, ... (OEIS A115983). The smallest apocalypse prime containing the digits 666 is (Rupinski).
Livio, M. The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, the World's Most Astonishing Number. New York: Broadway Books, p. 108, 2002.
Pickover, C. A. Keys to Infinity. New York: Wiley, pp. 97-102, 1995.
Pickover, C. A. "Apocalyptic Numbers." Ch. 72 in Wonders of Numbers: Adventures in Mathematics, Mind, and Meaning. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, pp. 176-178, 2001.
Rupinski, A. "10000...66657 (666-digits)."
Sloane, N. J. A. Sequence A115983 in "The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences."
لصحة القلب والأمعاء.. 8 أطعمة لا غنى عنها
حل سحري لخلايا البيروفسكايت الشمسية.. يرفع كفاءتها إلى 26%
جامعة الكفيل تحتفي بذكرى ولادة الإمام محمد الجواد (عليه السلام)