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Date: 2024-01-01
Date: 2023-06-27
Date: 2023-04-13
Location, source and goal
A number of other semantic roles designate where an entity is in the description of an event. Where an entity is (on the table, in the room) fills the role of location. Where the entity moves from is the source (from Chicago) and where it moves to is the goal(to New Orleans), as in We drove from Chicago to New Orleans. When we talk about transferring money from savings to checking, the source is savings and the goal is checking.
All these semantic roles are illustrated in the following scenario. Note that a single entity (e.g. George) can appear in several different semantic roles.
علاج جفاف وتشقق القدمين.. مستحضرات لها نتائج فعالة
الإمارات.. تقنية رائدة لتحويل الميثان إلى غرافين وهيدروجين
بالفيديو: منها رفع الراية الزينبية السوداء في صحن العقيلة (ع).. فعاليات متنوعة تقيمها العتبة الحسينية ضمن فعاليات مهرجان الليالي الزينبية