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Date: 2023-05-24
Date: 2023-10-07
Date: 24-1-2023
We have taken a look at Chomsky’s recent work on case, agreement and A-movement. We saw that agreement plays an integral role in nominative case assignment, in that nominative case is assigned to a nominal which agrees in person and number with a finite T. We argued that some features enter the derivation already valued (e.g. the tense feature of T and the person/number -features of nominals), whereas others (e.g. the -features of T and the case feature of nominals) are initially unvalued and are assigned values in the course of the derivation by operations like Feature-Copying (7) and Nominative Case Assignment (9). We claimed that interpretable features enter the derivation already valued, whereas those features which are initially unvalued are uninterpretable. We saw that agreement and case-marking involve a relation between an active probe and an active goal, and that probe and goal are only active if they carry one or more uninterpretable features (e.g. uninterpretable -features or case features). We also saw that uninterpretable features have to be deleted in the course of the derivation by a Feature-Deletion operation (14), in order to ensure that they do not feed into the semantic component and thereby cause the derivation to crash (because they are illegible in the semantic component), and that only a -complete