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Date: 2024-04-23
Date: 2024-04-25
Date: 2024-04-09
Words with CURE have either relatively fronted and lower, [ʊ]-like, realizations or onsets (preferably, it seems, in North American dialects and IrE, also in PakE and StHE) or high and back [u] types (strongly in ScE, some American dialects, T&TCs, SurCs, Ghana, and PhlE); in general, however, there is “a great array of variation here”, in particular throughout Africa and Asia, as Mesthrie observes in his regional synopsis in this volume. A low back [ɔ] is considered a characteristic realization of AusE and NZE, and also, with distinctive length, a recent innovation of RP. Monophthongal mid-back realizations are also quite common in Africa and South-East Asia; on the other hand, some African regions also have long gliding movements, e.g. [ua] in Nigeria.
بـ3 خطوات بسيطة.. كيف تحقق الجسم المثالي؟
دماغك يكشف أسرارك..علماء يتنبأون بمفاجآتك قبل أن تشعر بها!
العتبة العباسية المقدسة تواصل إقامة مجالس العزاء بذكرى شهادة الإمام الكاظم (عليه السلام)