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Date: 2024-09-17
Date: 2024-09-04
Date: 2024-09-23
Interest in the structure or process arises because of something that happens to disturb the way it functions. The Disturbing Event is what happens-or what could happen or would be likely to happen in the near or far future-to threaten the relatively stable situation described in the Opening Scene, and thus to trigger the undesired result (R1). In the previous example, the emergence of the new technology is the Disturbing Event.
A Disturbing Event can be:
External-a change initiated elsewhere in the environment within which the structure/process takes place, e.g.
Emergence of a new competitor
Conversion to a new technology
Shift in government or customer policy
Internal-a change initiated by the company, e.g.
Added a business process
Installed a new computer system
Expanded into a new market
Redirected the product line
Recently Recognized -a recognition or evidence of an obvious or likely need for change, e.g.
Lagging performance in a product/process
Sub-par operating results
Market research that implies a possible shift in customer attitude.
Sometimes, especially in writing a consulting proposal, you may not have been given enough information to identify specifically what it was that generated the recognition that a problem exists. But you should be able to identify what it is the reader is unhappy with in his structure or process. In that case do not trouble yourself with trying to manufacture a Disturbing Event. Simply move directly to the R1.
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