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Date: 29-8-2016
Date: 11-8-2016
Date: 30-8-2016
Sliding Ladder
A ladder of mass m and length 2l stands against a frictionless wall with its feet on a frictionless floor. If it is let go with initial angle α0, what will be the angle when the ladder loses contact with the wall (see Figure 1.1)?
Figure 1.1
Let us watch the ladder until it leaves the wall. Forces N1 and N2 are normal reactions of the wall and floor, respectively; W = mg is the weight of the ladder; xc and yc are the coordinates of the center of mass (see Figure.1.2). First, find the Lagrangian of the system. The kinetic energy is the moment of inertia relative to the center of mass
From Lagrange’s equations
In addition, from energy conservation
We will assume that the ladder loses contact with the wall before it does so with the floor. (This has to be checked). Up until the ladder slides away from the wall, there are constraints of the form
Since N1 is the only force acting in the x direction, N1 = mẍc When the ladder loses contact with the wall, N1 = 0. Differentiating (4) twice gives
From (6) and substituting it into (2), we have for the angle the ladder leaves the wall
From (3) and (7), we obtain
We have assumed that the ladder loses contact with the wall first. Let us check this assumption. It implies that N2 > 0 at all times before the ladder leaves the wall
From (5) and (6), we have
At the time the ladder leaves the wall
On the other hand, N2 is monotonically decreasing while is decreasing (see (3)). So, our assumption was right and indeed α = sin-1(2/3 sin α0).
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