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Date: 23-8-2016
Date: 28-7-2016
Date: 11-8-2016
Field of a Moving Charge
A charged particle with charge q1 moves with constant velocity v along the z-axis (see Figure 1.1). Its potentials are
Where s = [(1-β2) (x2-y2) + (x-vt)2]1/2 and β = v/c
Figure 1.1
a) Show that ϕ and A satisfy the Lorentz condition
b) Calculate the fields E and B at point P (x, y, z) and time t. Show first that B = (v/c) × E, and calculate E explicitly. Show that E is parallel to n.
c) Assume at P a second particle with charge q2 moving with the same velocity v as the first. Calculate the force on q2.
a) Differentiating, we obtain
and, since v lies only in the z direction (see Figure 1.2)
b) To calculate B, we recall from the definition of A that
where we have used the fact that
Figure 1.2
where is the vector from the charge to point P and therefore is parallel to n. The same results can be obtained by calculating E in the moving frame (with the charge q1) and then taking the Lorentz transformation.
c) The force acting on charge q2 can be calculated as the force acting on q2 in the field of q1 from (4):
where we used (3). Substituting E from (4), we find
We can express through the angle θ between R and ẑ (see Figure 1.2):
where we used x2 + y2 = R2 sin θ, and so s = |R| (1- β2 sin2 θ)1/2. Now, F may be written as a sum of the projections perpendicular and parallel to the z direction:
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