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Date: 14-8-2016
Date: 13-7-2016
Date: 7-8-2016
N Independent Spins, Revisited
Consider a system of N independent spin-1/2 particles. In a magnetic field H, in the ẑ direction, they can point either up or down with energy siμH, where μ is the magnetic moment and si = ±1. Derive expressions for the entropy S( f ) in the case of a microcanonical ensemble, where the number of particles N and the magnetization M = μf N (f = Σ si/N) are fixed.
We use the expression S = ln ω where ω is the probability of the arrangement of spins. For N spins we assume that Nu are up and Nd are down, where N = Nu + Nd. The different arrangements are
Use Stirling’s approximation for the factorial to obtain
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