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Date: 27-7-2017
Date: 18-7-2017
Date: 27-7-2017
Died: ??
James Cassels was brought up in Ayr, where he lived at 43 Hawkhill Avenue. He attended Russell Street School for about 10 years, then went to Ayr Academy in 1907. In 1910 he passed Lower Latin and Analytical Geometry in the Scottish Leaving Certificate examinations, and Mathematics, English, and French at Higher level. After having passed the University of Edinburgh Preliminary Examination he first matriculated at the university in October 1910.
At Edinburgh University Cassels studied Ordinary Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, and Chemistry in session 1910-11; Ordinary Logic, Intermediate Honours Mathematics and Experimental Physics in 1911-12; Intermediate Honours Mathematics, and Natural Philosophy (Dynamics and Thermodynamics), Advanced Mathematics, and Experimental Physics in session 1912-13; Honours Advanced Mathematics, Function Theory, Electrostatics, Dynamics (Advanced), and Experimental Physics (Advanced) in session 1913-14. He was awarded an M.A. with Second Class Honours in Mathematics and a B.Sc. (Pure) in 1914.
Cassels became a school teacher, teaching mathematics at The Academy, Ayr. He joined the Edinburgh Mathematical Society in January 1927.
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