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Date: 29-9-2017
Date: 1-9-2016
Date: 2-10-2017
Nylon 12 (Polylaurylamide)
Nylon 12 is produced in a similar way to nylon 6 by the ring opening polymerization of laurolactam. The polymer has a lower water capacity than nylon 6 due to its higher hydrophobic properties. The polymerization reaction is slower than for caprolactam. Higher temperatures are used to increase the rate of the reaction:
The monomer (laurolactam) could be produced from 1,5,9 cyclododecatriene, a trimer of butadiene. The trimer is epoxidized with peracetic acid or acetaldehyde peracetate and then hydrogenated. The saturated epoxide is rearranged to the ketone with MgI2 at 100°C. This is then changed to the oxime and rearranged to laurolactam.
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