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Date: 18-11-2018
Date: 28-5-2017
Date: 10-3-2019
Occurrence, extraction and uses Occurrence of Group 1
Sodium and potassium are abundant in the Earth’s biosphere (2.6% and 2.4% respectively) but do not occur naturally in the elemental state. The main sources of Na and K are rock salt (almost pure NaCl), natural brines and seawater, sylvite (KCl), sylvinite (KCl/NaCl) and carnallite (KCl. MgCl2.6H2O). Other Na- and K-containing minerals such as borax (Na2[B4O5)OH(4].8H2O) and Chile saltpetre (NaNO3) are commercially important sources of other elements (e.g. B and N respectively). Unlike many inorganic chemicals, NaCl need not be manufactured since large natural deposits are available. Evaporation of seawater yields a mixture of salts, but since NaCl represents the major component of the mixture, its production in this manner is a viable operation.
In contrast to Na and K, natural abundances of Li, Rb and Cs are small (% abundance Rb > Li > Cs); these metals occur as various silicate minerals, e.g. spodumene (LiAlSi2O6).
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