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Date: 28-11-2018
Date: 27-11-2018
Date: 1-11-2018
If is continuous in a region and satisfies
for all closed contours in , then is analytic in .
Morera's theorem does not require simple connectedness, which can be seen from the following proof. Let be a region, with continuous on , and let its integrals around closed loops be zero. Pick any point , and pick a neighborhood of . Construct an integral of ,
Then one can show that , and hence is analytic and has derivatives of all orders, as does , so is analytic at . This is true for arbitrary , so is analytic in .
It is, in fact, sufficient to require that the integrals of around triangles be zero, but this is a technical point. In this case, the proof is identical except must be constructed by integrating along the line segment instead of along an arbitrary path.
Arfken, G. Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 3rd ed. Orlando, FL: Academic Press, pp. 373-374, 1985.
Krantz, S. G. Handbook of Complex Variables. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser, p. 26, 1999.
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