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Date: 28-7-2018
Date: 1-9-2019
Date: 14-7-2019
The thermodynamic enolate is favored by conditions which allow for equilibration. The thermodynamic enolate is usually formed by using a strong base at room temperature. At equilibrium the lower energy of the thermodynamic enolate is preferred, so that the more stable, more stubstituted enolate is formed.
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دماغك يكشف أسرارك..علماء يتنبأون بمفاجآتك قبل أن تشعر بها!
العتبة العباسية المقدسة تواصل إقامة مجالس العزاء بذكرى شهادة الإمام الكاظم (عليه السلام)