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Date: 19-12-2019
Date: 15-3-2020
Date: 20-12-2020
Consider a Lucas sequence with and . A Fibonacci pseudoprime is a composite number such that
There exist no even Fibonacci pseudoprimes with parameters and (Di Porto 1993) or (André-Jeannin 1996). André-Jeannin (1996) also proved that if and , then there exists at least one even Fibonacci pseudoprime with parameters and .
André-Jeannin, R. "On the Existence of Even Fibonacci Pseudoprimes with Parameters and ." Fib. Quart. 34, 75-78, 1996.
Di Porto, A. "Nonexistence of Even Fibonacci Pseudoprimes of the First Kind." Fib. Quart. 31, 173-177, 1993.
Ribenboim, P. "Fibonacci Pseudoprimes." §2.X.A in The New Book of Prime Number Records, 3rd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 127-129, 1996.
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