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Date: 8-10-2020
Date: 10-2-2021
Date: 21-12-2020
The Curie temperature
The spontaneous magnetization due to alignment of the atomic magnetic moments depends on temperature, and it falls precipitously to zero at the Curie temperature TC. The magnetic ordering is a continuous thermodynamic phase transition with a λ-shaped anomaly in specific heat, associated with disordering of the atomic dipole moments. Above TC, Ms (T ) is zero; below TC, Ms (T ) is reversible. This behaviour is illustrated for nickel in Fig. 1.1.
The Curie temperatures of the three ferromagnetic metals, iron, cobalt and nickel, are 1044 K, 1388 K and 628 K, respectively. No material is known to have a higher Curie temperature than cobalt. Magnetite has a Curie temperature of 856 K.
Figure 1.1: Temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization of nickel. The Curie point at 628 K is marked.
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