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Date: 14-2-2021
Date: 12-2-2021
Date: 10-2-2021
Larmor precession
If an electron is constrained somehow to move in an orbit, it has an associated magnetic moment m =γ, where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio. The effect of the magnetic field is to exert a torque
Γ = m × B .......(1)
on the current loop. Newton’s law for angular momentum Γ = d/dt gives
dm/dt = γm × B. .........(2)
When B is along the z-axis, the vector product in Cartesian coordinates gives
The z component mz = mcos θ is independent of time, but the x and y components oscillate. The solution is m(t ) =(msin θ sin ωLt , msin θ cos ωLt , mcos θ),where ωL = γB. The magnetic momentmtherefore precesses around the applied field direction at the Larmor frequency fL = ωL/2π; here
The precession continues indefinitely if there is no way for the system to dissipate energy, and the angular momentum remains constant. Note that the Larmor precession frequency for an orbital moment (γ = −e/2me) is just half the cyclotron frequency, 28 GHz T−1, whereas it is equal to the cyclotron frequency for a spin moment (γ = −e/me). The precession of the spin angular momentum around Oz occurs at the Larmor frequency.
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